The NGO who produced the FLOFLO drill-system stopped their activities.
Due to all the interests of several NGO’s we from WellWishes decided to give them an opportunity to buy a drill similar and with the same high quality.
Because of the high production costs in the Netherlands, the transport costs and the import cost of the receiving countries we have decided to find a production place in Kenya.
We found a good organization, The Don Bosco Technical School, in Nairobi who can produce the new drill for a realistic price.
The design of the new drill is made by the University of applied science in Zwolle, the Netherlands.
WellWishes in The Netherlands with the help of the University will take care of the production-quality of the drill.
The new drill is called the WEEWEE and is made with high quality materials like aluminium and stainless steel.
If you want to see how the drill works please see this film
Our standard well. A round or square platform (dia. 3 meter), an Afridev handpump and a drain for wasted water